About the Site

DISCLAIMER: I will be using affiliate links in this site to help cover costs of running the site. That’s all, disclaimer over

A little over a year ago I was lazy, unmotivated, and had no passion for much in life. I would play video games all day, never work out, and always complained about how nothing really went my way when I actually had it pretty easy. I know I’m not the only one who can relate to that. This all changed for me when I discovered the power of self improvement and started my journey and to this day, I am still on that journey.This journey is never easy and constantly challenges me to get out of my comfort zone, but because of this I’ve done things I never could’ve imagined myself doing (hell, I never thought I could’ve made a website when I started), but as the saying goes “Whatever you believe, you can achieve.”

This site exists to assist YOU in your self improvement journey and I’ll be covering a wide range of topics all related to self improvement. My goal is to help as many people as I can through self improvement and challenge them to get out of their comfort zones and show themselves just how much they can achieve when they put their mind to it. The sky’s the limit.