Table of Contents
Intro – What Feeling Lost Means
Many believe that the biggest challenge in life is growing up. It’s no surprise why. As we grow older we are burdened with many new responsibilities that take time to adjust to. Before, we didn’t even have to worry about our future as we just lived peacefully day by day. But as we grow up, we are forced to think more and more about what we want to do in life and this can be overwhelming at times. As a result, there are many young people who simply have no idea what they want to do in life.
This is becoming a serious problem throughout the younger generations, and now the world is left with a large portion of young people who have no idea what they want to do with their lives. The problem doesn’t just end there though, this one problem has created a whole host of other problems.
These other problems mainly revolve around escapism. People who feel lost tend to avoid thinking about the future due to the discomfort surrounding it. In an attempt to do this, they often resort to various means of escapism. These means usually include large amounts of time spent on video games/ watching Netflix, partying/clubbing, and can even lead to excessive alcohol and drug use. That’s how scary the future can be.
These feelings can often overpower our desire to do great things in life and can lead us to take the easier path in life, which is an easy dream killer. Sure, the easy path is safe, but would you really be happy with yourself for taking it? There’s no way you won’t regret it in the future, so you have to take action. The only way to avoid taking this path is to confront your feelings about the future and discover what you want in life.
I’m writing this post for all the young people out there who are feeling lost and uncertain about their future. If you’re one of those people, I seriously hope I can help you out. Now let’s get into it.
Embrace The Feeling – Understanding Your Lost Moments

The first and most important step you must take to stop feeling lost is to accept the feeling, embrace the feeling, and stop stressing over it. I know, it sucks to feel lost, I get it. I get that’s an uncomfortable feeling that causes panic and stress in your life. Trust me I know, we have all been there at one point and it’s a really horrible place to be.
Regardless of that though, you still have to accept the feeling. I mean, what good would worrying and getting all stressed out about it do? The answer is virtually no good at all will be achieved by stressing about it. You’ll just be going round and round in circles and you’ll mentally exhaust yourself. This will impact your overall well-being and just leave you in a sadder state.
I know it’s not an easy thing to ask though, it never is easy to ask something like this. But You have to do it since you’ll feel much better and you’ll finally be able to think rationally about the future and embrace what lies ahead, even if at the moment only uncertainty lies ahead. To help you out, I have some tips you can use to help accept the uncertainty surrounding your future.
An Opportunity for Growth
Rather than viewing feeling lost as a setback, you should view it as the opposite. You should view it as a challenge to overcome, as an opportunity to grow and become stronger. Why should you do this though? Because it’s the truth, you’re not tricking yourself by believing this, so don’t worry about that. Think about it, growth comes through struggle and overcoming hard times. You know what they say – no pain, no gain. Sure suffering sucks, but we grow stronger through it. Through bad times, you’ll also learn to better appreciate the good times.
By viewing your uncertainty about the future as an opportunity for growth, you’re already beginning to accept the fact that you’re feeling lost in life and that you don’t know what to do next. By viewing it as a challenge that you have to overcome, you’ll also be more motivated to find out where you wanna go in life and to break the feelings of uncertainty that are eating at your mental health.
If you believe that you’re not good enough for the challenge, then that has to change too. You know deep down that overcoming the challenge is the right thing to do, whether you wanna admit it or not. However, you may be one of those people who think “Meh it’s too hard,” and then go off and proceed to indulge in escapism. Just because something is hard, doesn’t give you any right not to do it.
If we only do easy things in life, we’ll get nowhere and we’ll never grow as people. Struggle creates growth, and by overcoming this struggle you’ll grow out of that mindset and take the first step towards achieving your goals.
Stop Viewing It As The End
Life is a linear path. But that linear path also has endless possibilities that you can choose from. Even when you’re feeling lost, those possibilities are still there, you just have to go out and find them. The linear, yet diverse path that life offers is the paper and we are all the pen. We write our life stories with our own two hands.
Our stories are all full of twists and turns. One of those twists (or turns) could be related to feeling lost or uncertain about the future. Many people who feel this way often feel like their life is over. They feel like they’ve messed up their future before it’s even started. They’re basically dooming themselves by thinking this way. Feeling lost isn’t the end of your story, it’s just another chapter in it.
You’re young, your story has barely even begun. So stop saying it’s the end before it hasn’t even got going properly. This is just a rough patch, they’re bound to happen. By getting through them, you’re continuing to write your story.
No one can ever exit their own story.
Practice Patience and Self-Compassion
When we are feeling lost, our frustration with our situation tends to grow pretty quickly. It’s frustrating to feel unsure about the future because the feeling sucks and the answer to the problem feels like it’ll never arrive. This frustration tends to come from our impatience that we don’t have a solution yet. It also comes from us just being frustrated at ourselves. Being so frustrated at the situation will make us not accept it in any way.
That’s why it’s so important to practice patience. Without patience, you won’t be able to process your feelings of uncertainty and this won’t lead to acceptance. Instead, it will just lead to you tricking yourself into believing that you’re doomed. To practice patience in this scenario, it’s best if you accept that you’re lost and stop running away from doing something about your future.
This isn’t patiently waiting for an answer, because an answer won’t show up out of thin air. This is being patient with your feelings, and accepting them by doing so. By actively searching for an answer every day, you’re slowly letting yourself accept your feelings toward the future by doing something about them.
It’s also important to practice self-compassion. Just being mad at yourself won’t do much for you. You need to be more kind to yourself. There are 2 ways that you can do this. The first way is to calm yourself down by telling yourself that many other people have been in your situation before and that it’s okay to feel like this. The 2nd way is to turn that anger you feel at yourself into your motivation to find your answer. I would personally go with the second one but it’s up to you, this is your story after all.
Reflect On Your Journey – Mining The Past For Clues

I’m gonna expand upon the whole journey/story motif I have going on in this post. So as we have now established, feeling lost is a natural part of your life’s story. Sure it sucks, but accepting it is the first step you must take to get over it and improve your future. What does the next chapter hold though? Let’s find out.
When the main character in a film, TV show, or video game feels lost, one thing that they often do is reflect on their journey up until this point and try to find answers in the lessons that they have already learned. I know what some of you are thinking “Oh but I don’t have anything like that in my past.” To that I say, you’re wrong. No matter who you are, you have learned a lesson in your past.
Although, Lessons won’t really guide you toward a concrete answer. So instead, you should delve into your past experiences and search for an answer there. For example, if you don’t know what you want to do in the future, you can use self-reflection to delve into your past experiences and find things you enjoyed doing. You could also use it to reflect on your dreams and goals and find an answer from there.
Although self-reflection isn’t exactly an easy task. It’s not hard to lose focus while reflecting on yourself. This leads to many giving up and just going to do something else. Another common problem is that it’s often hard to pin your thoughts down and put them into words. Because of this, I have a few techniques that you can use to help yourself successfully self-reflect.
This has to be one of the best ways you can sort through your thoughts, especially if you’re struggling to pin down your thoughts and turn them into words. By writing about your struggles and feelings, you will come to understand yourself better. This includes, your goals and dreams too since writing about them will remind you of them and encourage you to take action and chase your dreams. The great thing about writing is that there are many ways you can go about doing it as well. Let’s now go over 2 of the best ways you can go about writing.
The first one of these techniques is brainstorming. If you want to grow up to become someone who is pretty business savvy, then you’ll wanna get good at brainstorming since it’s essential for business planning. It’s also just great for any planning, and if you’re feeling lost about your future then you will need a plan. In the context of self-reflection though, brainstorming should mainly be used to sort through your feelings and your emotions by just writing them down.
The best thing about brainstorming is that there’s no set way to do it either, you do it how you want. I will provide one tip though: sometimes, it’s better to work backward and start with the goal and form a plan from there.
The other technique is one I’ve already talked about in other posts (like this one here!), but it’s too good not to bring up here. That technique is journaling. I’ve already gone over what makes journaling so amazing in previous posts, but I’ll quickly go over it again here so you aren’t inconvenienced. Journaling allows you to give each day in your life more meaning, this is already a great start in overcoming feelings of unsureness. While journaling, you should try and recall as much as possible that happened in one day and how those events made you feel.
You should also write down any thoughts you had or things that have been on your mind as of late. You can go back to your entries at any time, which could help in the future. It’s also useful for reflecting on the past, journaling is one amazing hobby to get into.
Nighttime Reflection
This one is something that I do before I go to sleep every day and is something you should do too. It’s pretty simple to do as well and really has a lasting effect over time. To do nighttime reflection, you need to ask yourself a few questions before you clock out for the night. Those questions should be questions a bit like this: “What did I do today? Did I face any struggles or issues?”, “What can I learn from everything that happened today?”, “What’s the biggest problem I’m currently facing in life? What did I do today to overcome it?”, “What would I have done differently today if I had the chance to relive it?”. You get the idea now.
I’m sure you can already see how great this is for your personal growth. It also gives each day more meaning as well, just like journaling does. Speaking of journaling though, you can incorporate this into your journaling to make both things more effective. That way you actually remember your answers. Isn’t journaling just amazing? Wait wrong section my bad, Journaling is just that good. Nighttime reflection is seriously great because it reminds you of your goals and urges you to take action.
Dopamine Detox
I’m pretty sure that we’re all aware of the dangers of dopamine by now considering how large of a topic it’s become. Dopamine addiction can quite easily turn you into something resembling a brainless zombie who is extremely impulsive and only does what they feels like doing. This is because any activity that doesn’t provide instant pleasure or isn’t stimulating enough for the brain will quickly be written off by the brain as boring and then the person in question will just do an activity that their mind considers as more stimulating.
Getting addicted to dopamine is an easy trap to fall into and a hard one to escape.
It’s not an impossible trap to escape though, that’s where a dopamine detox comes in. It’s easily the best way to get over a social media addiction. And don’t worry, you’ll see how this ties into self-reflection and your future in a bit but we need to go over how a detox works. It’s pretty simple actually, all you have to do is set yourself a period of time where you avoid dopamine/pleasure triggers (This can range from hours to whole days, and when you get enough practice even months).
These triggers are stuff like scrolling on social media, video games, and Netflix. You get the idea. Only when you successfully detox from these activities will you realize how much they’re dictating your life and your future. This doesn’t mean you have to remove them from your life entirely, but it’s important to set limits.
The more dopamine detoxing you do, the better you’ll get at them and I urge you to try and extend the period of the detoxes when you do get better at them. Now how does this all tie to self-reflection? It’s simple, the less time you spend on social media, the more calm and collected your brain is. This calm state is ideal for self-reflection and meditation. It allows you to be fully present in the moment without constant thoughts rushing through your brain. That’s just one of the many benefits of dopamine detox.
It won’t be easy though, especially at first. Your urges will want you to go watch Netflix, to go scroll on social media. You mustn’t give in to them. You should use those urges as motivation to keep on going. Allow me to explain. These urges have great power over you, especially at first. This makes it really easy to just give in and go do what they want you to do. You should use the fact that they’re so strong as a reality check on just how addicted you are. This should then push you to get over that addiction and not give in. You know it’s the right thing to do after all.
Setting Goals – Navigating Your Future With Purpose

Now that you’re doing self-reflection, you should start understanding yourself a little better. You should start understanding what it is that you value the most and what your dreams and ambitions are for the future. This idea of what you want in life should provide you with the basis for a sense of direction. What this means is that you have a rough idea of what you need to do to achieve your dreams.
What you need to do now is transform that rough idea into a concrete plan which will provide you a way stronger sense of direction. There’s one aspect of this plan that has to be done right though, since it’s the part that actually provides you with that sense of direction for your future. That aspect is goal setting. One of the main reasons why you may be feeling lost in life is because you have no goals to work towards.
Regardless of whether this is the case for you or not, goals are a great way to give more purpose to your life, and getting good at goal setting is an important thing you should take the time to do.
To keep up with the journey/story motif, the main character in the story is often presented with something that he must do or a goal that he has to work towards. The main character will often set himself many other smaller goals to achieve along the way that all contribute to his progress toward achieving the main goal. A goal is what gives a story a sense of direction and since your life is your story, you need to set goals for yourself to stop feeling lost.
To help you out, I’m gonna go over a few aspects of goal setting and what you can do to master those aspects, now let’s get into it.
Long-Term And Short Term-Goals
The first aspect I want to talk about is balancing long-term goals and short-term goals. Before I do that though I should define each one so we have a better idea of what I’m talking about when I refer to either long-term or short-term goals.
First up, long-term goals. Your long-term goals are your dreams for the future, basically, what you view as the end of the road when it comes to this particular journey you’re on. Your long-term goal is basically the big thing you’re working toward achieving in the future. You get the idea.
Next up, short-term goals. Your short-term goals are goals that are smaller in scope than your long-term goals and should be achievable in the near future. It should also contain a time limit so you can push yourself a little bit too. A goal that is too easy to achieve is barely a goal at all you know. An example of a good short-term goal would be something like reaching a certain amount of subscribers/followers by the end of the month. You get the idea now.
Now that we have that out of the way, we need to determine how to use each type of goal. I already stated the best way to use them, right at the start of this section in fact. Now that you’re back from checking the start of this section, I guess I should confirm it with you. That’s right, the best way to use these two types of goals is to balance them out with each other. This essentially means breaking down your long-term goal into many short-term goals and setting yourself more short-term goals as you go.
Also, make sure to not lose sight of your long-term goals through your short-term goals, or vice versa. Sometimes, people set themselves short-term goals that don’t actually contribute to their long-term ambitions. This may be out of ignorance, but a lot of the time it’s something a lot more complex. A lot of people who are lost and uncertain about the future are naturally lazy people, due to all the escapism that they indulge in. This makes them too lazy to take action. When someone is lazy in one aspect of their life, their laziness will often translate over to other aspects of their life.
In this case, laziness could translate over to setting goals. It’s pretty easy for someone to set themself goals that are too easy to achieve or that don’t actually contribute anything to their overall dream. This is what happens when you become too lazy, you set goals that don’t mean or do anything to fool yourself into thinking you have done something meaningful.
So make sure you balance your goals well, and that they all have meaning and value behind them.
What Type of Goals Should You Set?
I’ve noticed that many struggle with setting goals for themself, specifically short-term goals. You really don’t want to mess up short-term goals either, since they give you the sense of direction that you long for. It’s this sense of direction that holds a good plan together and keeps you moving forward. So you really don’t wanna mess up short-term goals. For this section, I’ve decided that I want to dive a little deeper into short-term goals, since there are a few sub-categories of them that you should be aware of.
The first one of these is day-to-day goals. These are the things you should be doing every day to work towards achieving your goals. For me, that is trying to write a few words for my posts on here and posting at least twice a day on TikTok. Although I’m planning a little something extra too. Enough about me though, you should get the idea now. Your day-to-day goals are the small things you do every day to chase your dreams. These small things add up over time and without them, you’ll never achieve your dreams.
Next up are the milestone goals. Milestone goals usually involve reaching a certain amount of progress by a certain period of time. These milestones are a great way to test yourself and see how much you’ve grown. They’re meant to be a challenge. An example of one of these types of goals is one I’ve set for the very recent future. I wanna reach 15 thousand followers on TikTok before university starts, which is in 12 days as of me writing this. Milestones don’t have to be the immediate future, but you should usually be thinking with 6 months as a maximum, to avoid it becoming too long term. Make sure they’re not too easy either.
Finally, we have projects. These projects will help you make huge progress, but they also take up a lot of time to complete. A perfect example of this would be making a YouTube video, specifically one of those videos that has a lot of effort behind it and is really well produced. I guess these website posts also count as projects too now that I think about it. After all, my goal for the site is to have a site full of endless self-improvement guides, to help people who are feeling lost and are unsure about the future. Just like I once was. There I go getting sidetracked again. So yeah, I’m sure you now have a rough idea of what exactly a project-based goal is.
And that’s the 3 types I divide goals into when setting them. It’s important to use each type of goal to its fullest potential. This often involves mixing and matching the different types. For example, you could want to get a certain amount of subscribers on your YouTube channel by the end of the year. This is mixing a project-based goal with a milestone goal since you’ll need to post many videos to reach the number of subscribers that you want to reach. Using each type of goal to its fullest potential is what makes a great plan after all.
Long Term Success Over Instant Gratification
This last section may seem random but I believe it’s especially important to talk about since a lot of people make this mistake, and it does tie into goal setting.
Now that you’ve set goals, it’s completely and entirely up to you to chase them. However, just because you’ve decided to take action doesn’t mean that the hard part is over. The real challenge has only just begun. At first, you’ll be enjoying yourself since you’re chasing your dreams and trying new things. You’ll feel motivated. Motivation doesn’t last though, and times will come when you don’t feel motivated or you feel too lazy to do the hard work required to achieve your goals.
There’s another possibility for this too. Maybe you’ve set all your goals for your future and you’re ready to finally overcome feeling lost. Then you tell yourself “Oh I’ll start tomorrow.”. And then tomorrow rolls around and you feel too lazy or find an excuse not to start and you just say you’ll start tomorrow for real this time. One week later and you still haven’t started. One month later and you still haven’t started. This is a trap many people fall into.
Regardless of the circumstances though, it’s a fact that you’re being lazy and you need to take action. You probably do this because you would rather do a much more stimulating activity instead of actually doing the hard work required to chase your dreams. Sure the easier option is more fun and engaging but it won’t get you anywhere in life. Chasing your dreams may be harder, but if you only do easy things in life then you won’t get anywhere in your future, and you’ll never stop feeling lost.
Deep down, you probably hate doing the easy stuff all the time, you want to chase your dreams. Yet you don’t take any action and you continue to waste time. You choose instant gratification over your future dreams and long term goals. You have to stop doing that.
Only by choosing your future dreams and goals over short-term comfort will you be able to move forward. You know you’ll regret it in the future if you don’t do anything now. Remember that short-term comfort often leads to long-term discomfort. So make the right choice, think of all the progress you can still get done if you tell yourself “Not tomorrow, I’m starting today.”
Finding Your Passion

Sure setting goals is a useful skill but if you don’t have a passion to set them for then you can’t really use that skill can’t you? You have to have something you’re passionate about, or something you really want to peruse in order to set meaningful goals for the future.
For me, this is without a doubt the most important section of the post. If you’re feeling lost in life, it’s likely that you don’t have a passion or a dream. This makes sense since people who feel lost have no idea what they want to do in the future. Finding your passion is often the solution to that problem.
I know what you’re thinking though, “Oh doesn’t that make every other section so far useless? If all I need to do is this then why bother with the other sections?”. If you are indeed thinking that then I have to say that you’re jumping the gun quite a bit. All the other sections serve as ways to prepare and help your search for your passion. This way, you have loads of knowledge and tricks at your disposal that you can use to overcome feeling lost.
Despite all the other sections helping out with finding your passion, I still feel the need to make a dedicated section so that way you have even more ways to find it and so you understand how everything in the post is meant to help you.
Now let’s go over a few tips to help you find your passion.
Put Yourself Out There and Embrace Trial and Error
For the first tip, you’re gonna need to face something (it may not apply to you by the way but still listen in). If you wanna stop feeling lost, you’re going to have to get out of your room. Just sitting around all day and doing nothing productive will not lead to a solution popping into your head, it’ll just lead to more wasted time . A solution won’t just magically appear out of thin air. To find an answer to the future, you’ll have to put yourself out there. You’ll have to be open to trying new things, since through trying new things you will find an answer. In fact, it’s one of the only ways to find one.
Although be careful not to fall into the trap that many others have. This trap is basically when someone tries a new thing, then it doesn’t go too well so they just give up and go back to feeling lost and wasting even more time. The people who do this seem to automatically think everything they try won’t yield any results and it’s essentially worthless to even attempt anything anymore. This logic is extremely flawed and the people that say this usually have done 1 of 2 things. They have either not tried hard enough or they have not tried enough things. The second of those 2 things is the trap that I mentioned, the other one is a different kind of trap.
Not trying hard enough is something that I was once personally guilty of, so I think I understand pretty well why people don’t do this. Let me explain. The reason many people don’t give their 100% when they try out new things is either out of plain and simple laziness or they’re scared of failure. I know, the second one doesn’t make any sense so I’ll do my best to explain, it’s kind of hard to put into words so bear with me here.
Basically, I didn’t put much effort into the new things I did so I had an excuse in case I failed. Failure weighed pretty hard on my mind and I wanted to avoid it at all cost. It does suck to realize you’re not good enough. To me, that’s what failure was. To give your all into something and then fail is crushing, you end up feeling like you’re no good and then you end up feeling lost.
To avoid this, I didn’t put in the maximum effort that I could trick myself into thinking the responsibility wasn’t mine and it just wasn’t the right thing for me. Although I also tried just enough to make it, I tricked myself into believing that I was putting in effort. So to sum it up, I tricked myself into thinking that I wasn’t the problem (I was).
Honestly, I don’t think that explanation was half-bad. Now that we’ve established a couple of common things that people do after trying to put themselves out there, we need to identify the cause, a pretty simple task actually. The cause is fear of failure. Looking back on when I used to do these things, being scared of failure was pretty irrational. We can’t expect to find the right thing straight away. This is why it’s so important to embrace the process and be ready for some trial and error. Yeah, you may fail but so what? You’re bound to at first when doing new things.
Remember that through failure we learn and grow, so there’s no reason to be afraid. As long as you put all your effort in then it doesn’t matter. If it isn’t the right thing for you after that, then that’s fair. You can just take the experience with you and continue your search for your passion.
Identifying Flow States
I’ve noticed that flow state has become more and more of a conversation topic lately, especially in the self-improvement community. Before I dive into why it’s great for helping you to stop feeling lost, I need to define it first. Luckily, it’s a pretty simple concept. A flow state is a state of mind when you’re fully absorbed in the activity that you’re doing and are focused only on that activity. It’s a great state to be in and during that state, you are at your most productive. It’s honestly great that something like this has become more of a conversation topic.
An important thing to note about flow state is that you won’t be in a flow state in every single activity you do. This is completely normal since you’re naturally not going to find every activity you do that interesting. It also won’t happen immediately, so don’t go into every activity you do expecting it. You can’t just drop an activity immediately because you’re not in a state of flow the second you start doing it, that’s just irrational. However, when you do find yourself in a flow state, make sure you make note of it, for you could be on your way to finding a potential answer to the future.
I did sort of mention this earlier, but I guess I should elaborate. You can’t just expect yourself to enter a flow state straight away, you do have to put in effort to properly achieve this state of mind. This included eliminating distractions, which will pull you out of the flow state. That means no phone or technology within your vicinity while you work since they go against the whole point of a flow state and completely kill any state of flow that you may be in.
It also wouldn’t hurt to practice mindfulness, so you find it easier to be in the moment rather than constantly distracted by outside thoughts trying to get you to do other things. Being a mindful person will help you enter a flow state that much easier. It’ll also just help you get more enjoyment out of life, instead of having your mind constantly preoccupied with other things like your worries about the future and such. If you wanna learn how to be more mindful then I have a few posts that contain some great tips on how to do so. I will link to them here and here.
All these tips combined with a high amount of effort and the right task will result in a flow state where you will be fully focused on whatever you’re doing. If you do find yourself in a flow state, it could be because you resonate a lot with the activity you’re doing. This could be your answer to the future. The activity in question could resonate a lot with your dreams and it could be something you could turn into a successful future. That’s why flow state is so great to me. Not only does it make you more productive but it also helps you find your passion in life.
Revisit Your Childhood Dreams
Ok, I know this one sounds super corny, but hear me out. When we were kids, we all thought about the future a lot. We all had these great big dreams in life. We all wanted to grow up and do amazing things like drive fast cars and live in huge mansions or be a sports superstar and live out our greatest fantasies. However, many of us lose the desire to chase these dreams as we grow up due it seeming “too hard” or “too unrealistic”. To that I have the following to say.
Being unsuccessful is hard, so is being successful. The choice is yours.
You should never give up on something because it seems too hard, that’s just showing the world firsthand that you’re weak. And I know you don’t want to be weak. Giving up may seem easier in the short term but it will make things way harder in the long term.
Now that you understand this, try to take some serious time to reflect on your dreams for the future when you were a kid. Think about all the things you wanted to have back then as well as all the things you wanted to be. And while this does sound corny, I don’t believe it’s actually corny at all, and you shouldn’t either. We believe that because we start to see those dreams as unrealistic when we grow up.
You should change your mindset on this. You should think about how younger you would feel if he saw you give up on those dreams because it’s too hard, he would probably be pretty disappointed. Now think about the opposite. How do you think he would feel if he saw you keep going on despite it seeming too hard? He would feel proud. If you had those dreams when you were young, you should see it as your responsibility to make them come true, to make your younger self proud.
Reflecting on your past may be just what you need to find your answer.
Conclusion – An Important Reminder
We have finally made it to the end. I went with a bit of a different approach to this post. I decided to use fewer sections but make those sections longer. This is because the way to stop feeling lost is staring you down and it always will be, you just have to reach out and grab it. I know that getting out there and trying new things is hard, it’s also scary for many people. You may feel that you’re not brave enough to even put yourself out there, but I have something to remind you of.
Bravery is not a trait, it’s a choice
Anyone can be brave, all you have to do is make the hard choice to do so. Now that you understand that, make sure you approach everything with that mindset. If you do that and choose to be brave, you’ll find your answer in no time.
Now go, the rest is now up to you and I know you won’t fail.
[…] know what that is, I attached a link on the word that explains it. There is also a section in my previous post that is all about flow state (It is under the “finding your passion” section). Anyways, […]
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