How to Become More Disciplined – Take Control of Your Mind and Life

How to Become More Disciplined – Intro It is often said that the hardest battles take place in the mind. I agree with this statement. Getting yourself to do something is often way harder than actually doing it. Many people end up quitting the gym simply because they don’t have the motivation to keep going. Many people end up procrastinating because they don’t have the motivation to do their homework. Many people end up living a lesser life simply because they never had the motivation to improve. There is one key flaw in the thinking of all the people I…

How To Achieve Mindfulness – The Complete Guide

How To Achieve Mindfulness – Intro Throughout all my guides, mindfulness always seems to make an appearance. No matter what I’m writing about, be it flow state or addiction, mindfulness always seems to show up. It even made in appearance in my very first post ever – 7 Healthy Habits. Knowing how to achieve mindfulness is such a great skill, it shows up in many of my guides for a reason. So I’ve decided that enough is enough and that it’s finally time to crack down and do a definitive guide for mindfulness so I can have all the info…

How to Overcome Addiction – The Definitive Guide

How to Overcome Addiction – Intro Addiction is bad. Like really bad. Like so bad that it can basically control your entire life if you leave it unchecked. What I find surprising about such a serious issue is that it’s kind of swept under the rug by a large portion of society. When it is talked about, the severity of it is often downplayed and it’s made to be less of an issue than it actually it is. I have often heard people talk about addiction like like it’s some minor problem on the same level as catching a cold.…

How To Achieve Flow State Consistently – The Ultimate Guide

How To Achieve Flow State – Intro There seems to be a bit of an uprising going on throughout the world of self improvement. This uprising relates to the topic of how to achieve flow state, and it’s taking many people by storm. The topic of flow state is getting really popular, like REALLY popular. It took the self improvement world by storm and it didn’t just stop there, it’s even being mentioned in schools now. It’s getting so big, so you know I had to cash in on that momentum and make my next guide all about achieving flow…

How To Be More Resilient – Power Through Life’s Challenges

How To Be More Resilient – Introduction So I was recently watching the Mario Movie last week, and I realized something while watching it. Mario is one resilient dude. This guy simply never gives up. Not even his own family believes in him? He didn’t give up. His brother got abducted by a maniac fire breathing turtle? Still didn’t give up. Was getting owned in a fight by Donkey Kong? Nope not giving up. I could list way more examples but we would be here all day. Point is: this dude never quits. And while watching this, I realized something.…

How To Overcome Guilt – Lighting The Path Toward Forgiveness

Introducing Guilt Contrary to the title of this intro, guilt needs no introduction. But I still have to write an intro for integrity’s sake so let’s go ahead and introduce our good friend Mr Guilt. Oh, as well as introduce how exactly you are going to overcome guilt. What I find funny about guilt is that it’s one of those words that we all know what it means but we struggle to put that meaning into words. You can forget about that though because I’m excited to announce that I have come up with my own definition for guilt: Guilt…

How To Improve Your Self Esteem – Learn How to Value Yourself

Intro – The Self Esteem Problem Out of all the underlying issues that our generation is facing, the self esteem issue is probably the most serious one. There are countless young people who simply do not value themselves or the life that they have been gifted at all. If you are part of this group, you need to improve your self esteem desperately. I have had many encounters with people part of this massive group. They all seem to not value themselves or their future at all and only do what feels most comfortable to them at that very moment.…

How To Handle Feeling Lost – Navigating The Darkness

Intro – What Feeling Lost Means Many believe that the biggest challenge in life is growing up. It’s no surprise why. As we grow older we are burdened with many new responsibilities that take time to adjust to. Before, we didn’t even have to worry about our future as we just lived peacefully day by day. But as we grow up, we are forced to think more and more about what we want to do in life and this can be overwhelming at times. As a result, there are many young people who simply have no idea what they want…

How To Improve Your Mental Health – The Complete Guide

Intro – The Basis To Improve Your Mental Health In a world that is so fast-paced and complex, most of us are just trying to get by. It can be so hard to keep up sometimes that getting by is all we can really do. This can often cause us to ignore our mental health. You shouldn’t ignore it though, you should improve it. However, there are those who don’t want to just get by. There are those who want to live life to the fullest and experience everything it has to offer. There are also those who want to…

How To Make Friends – The Ultimate Guide

Introduction To Friendship One of the core aspects of self improvement is forging connections and cultivating bonds with people. Knowing how to make friends is such a valuable skill since the value of bonds should never be underestimated as let’s face it, in life we can only get so far on our own. We can only learn so much by ourselves. We can only feel so much joy by ourselves. That’s why it’s so important that we meet so many people in life and understand how to make friends. Let’s face it though, life is boring without friends. As much…